Page from Oaken Scribes Purple Fretty Project, showing Middle Kingdom
Achievement of Arms, Spring, 2002
Gouache, parchment |
Page from Oaken Scribes Purple Fretty Project, showing part of scroll
text, Spring, 2002.
Gouache, parchment |
Scroll for Order of the Willow for Sharilla Grylion, April, 2002.
Gouache, bristol board |
Grant of Arms for Baroness Rosamund Beauvisage, OL, OP, May, 2002.
Gouache, bristol board |
Scroll for Order of the Grove, Cleftlands Scribal Guild, June, 2002.
Gouache, pergamenata |
Scroll for Order of the Wain with Grant of Arms, Keja Tselebnika,
June, 2003. Gouache, pergamenata |
Court Barony Scroll for Raymond Constable, October, 2003
Gouache, pergamenata |
Court Barony Scroll for Donett Drynkemylke, October, 2003
Gouache, pergamenata |
Award of Arms scroll for Grim Thorisson with
English text in runes and illumination from the Oseberg tapestry,
October, 2003. Gouache, pergamenata |
Award of the Maiden's Heart for Dierdre of Carlyle, November, 2003.
Gouache, pergamenata.
Award of Orion scroll for Richard Larmer, gouache and Arches 140 lb.
hot press, July, 2004 |
Detail from Order of the Crucible scroll for Alyce de Sheppey,
gouache and Arches 140 lb hot press, April, 2004
Award of Arms Scroll for Edward the Astronomer, gouache and Arches
140 lb. hot press, May 2004
Scarlet Banner Scroll for Gareth Cambell, gouache and Arches 140 lb.
hot press, August 2004
Crucible Scroll for Asa Gormsdottir,
gouache, pergamenata, November 2004
Maiden's Heart Scroll for Medb ingen Dungaile, gouache and Arches 140
lb hot press, January 2005 |
Writ (Pelican vigil) for Sarra Graeham, pergamenata, February 2005 |
Orion scroll for Ivhon Thorne, gouache and Arches 140 lb hot press,
March 2005 |
Kingdom gift scroll for HRM Katrine of Calontir, gouache and Arches
140 lb hot press, July 2005 |
Kingdom gift scroll for HRM Tristram of Calontir, gouache and Arches
140 lb hot press, July 2005 |